Posted in christian living

When You Don’t Desire God’s Word

I was reading an article on The Gospel Coalition entitled When You Don’t Desire God’s Word and came across a quote that really made me stop and think:

The difference between reading (the Bible) and meditating on it is the difference between raking and digging.

–Shar Walker

I like this quote because of the truth behind it. When we read our Bibles…are we just raking through the Bible trying to find something that will fit our needs? Or when we read the Bible are we truly digging into the Word, consuming each word?

I know I’m guilty of just raking through Scripture. I’m sure a lot of you can agree with me on this. If not, what’s your secret? 🙂

In all seriousness though, we should be digging into God’s Word and soaking up everything it says.

But it’s hard! Trust me, I know it’s hard. I’ve been there!

There are some days when you just might not feel like reading! So what do you do?

You read. And you ask God to share with you His desire.

You can’t hunger for God’s Word if you don’t first take a taste!

Meditate on the Word.

Joshua 1:8 tells us, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

To cultivate a desire for more of God’s Word, you have to spend some time actually reading God’s Word

Ashley Chesnut, When I Don’t Desire God’s Word


3 thoughts on “When You Don’t Desire God’s Word

  1. Amen! Some people really struggle to only drink water because it’s plain. We are so used to sugar and something not as healthy or good for the body. We have to wean ourselves sometimes. This is also why we must first have the milk of scripture before we can understand the meat of scripture.


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